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تبلیغات نمایشگاهی

IRAN Steel Structure Fabricators International Exhibition and Industries and Engineering Services Related

The most important necessity of holding a specialized exhibition: since the production of steel structures in IRAN, taking into account Iran’s position among the top 10 producing countries in the world in steel production, requires valuing and giving meaning to the concept of final product production as an indicator of superiority compared to the raw sale of steel sections and also The concept of modern industrial and urban development. Entering the regional and global markets in order to develop the sales network and create added value, create jobs, develop technology and construction engineering, will completely guarantee the progress of steel structure producers and also economic growth

12/23/2023 International exhibition of steel structure manufacturers and related engineering industries and services ISF – IRAN Steel FAB
12/24/2023 Empowerment conference of steel structures producers – work methods and challenges International Conference

Steel GroupSupply chain, distribution and manufacturing engineeringOther casesManufacturers of all kinds of industrial and construction steel structures (framed structure, shell structure, suspended structure, truss structure, etc.) Producers of all kinds of steel sections including: steel sheet, iron belt, rebar, normal section or profile, corner, shield, stud, ledge, cap, rail, pipe and profile, rolling, stretching of different steel sections for steel door and window frames needed in the construction of all kinds Steel structures in the supply and manufacturing chain Minerals and basic materials (iron ore, pellets, sponge iron, shot and grit, pig iron, etc.) Trading companies, domestic and foreign suppliers of all materials for building structures Manufacturers of machinery and tools and equipment for welding, cutting, bending and drilling in the construction of metal structures Roof-construction cranes, elevators and multi-storey parking lots, conveyors, magnets and other materials handling machines Consultants, engineering companies providing design-build-installation and modeling services Knowledge-based companies in all fields related to the construction of steel structures Companies that produce and supply all consumable items in construction factories such as: (paint and resin and other construction and industrial coatings – wire / wire, welding wire, electrode, stone plates and other welding consumables, etc.) Inspection, quality assurance and control companies, certifying bodies, specialized laboratories for materials and validation of manufacturing and welding processes. 

Transportation, automation and software, investors and employers, construction and installation safety equipment, associations, digital and multimedia media, books, magazines and printed publications, banks-insurance and credit institutions active in the construction industry and service providers. credit and loan, universities and research centers, mass builders and builders of urban (residential, office, commercial) and industrial projects, cooperative companies active in the field of construction supply and construction, manufacturers of urban furniture and road and traffic structures, energy equipment and structures

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